More about Muaz
Safe working place – Work for change
At Muaz, Our people are working hard to get change in Bangladesh clothing industry; Due to this we enlist safe, honest and sustainable safe working place in our community.
We have all departments such as merchandising, quality control team, technical team, fashion designing team, compliance team to get ensure the regular updates of audits.
We have more than 50 Factory in our list now from where we segregate the factory as per customer required product. Our all factory have long term good reputation in Bangladesh market. Our next plan is to enlist 300 factories in our grip; we continuously arrange to train the factory for the practice of keeping commitment in each and every step of garment live from product development to shipment stage. We strongly believe that commitment is the only things that can change the Bangladesh clothing entire industry to gain the trust of world clients.
Bangladesh is a safest business zone for the world clients now:
At this moment Bangladesh is a safest zone for the world importing country as our country is now out of any kind of political violence and also our country is rapidly fast growing in South Asia. Our all factories provide occupational health and safety training, safety equipment and first aid training. All factories have accord or alliance certificates for building safety, electrical safety, and also from Muaz our compliance team regularly monitoring the factory ethical standard audit update.
At this moment Bangladesh is very much strong in knits and Denim and also many woven fabric, so world clients can get earlier shipment with better quality. Bangladesh fabric quality is better than China right now. Bangladesh Denim is very much reputed and well known for the world customers. More over Bangladesh government also is very much strict for the garment safety; there is also a big business opportunity for the local safe transportations.
Muaz essential transparency:
At Muaz we maintain the transparency with honorable clients, suppliers, consumers and stakeholders. Our all fabric, Accessories , trims, metal items are fully controlled by testing, this is our regular practice to get testing of all kind of garment components so that consumer get all kind of testing certificates if any consumers ask to our honorable clients. We are very much concern about our product safety. Our all products are made from highest environmental sustainable and ethical standard suppliers.
At Muaz we keep record all kind of factory ethical standard certificates to give more confident to our honorable customers and consumers.
Feedback: Muaz strongly take continuous feedback from customer regarding product scheduled delivery to retailers, product quality comments, consumer feedback. Muaz Fashion Ltd. main focus is to make the garment looks authentic, nice fit with good feeling so consumer happily buy the product and feel free to Wear.
![Our Commitment](